If you get a double payment you need to contact unemployment immediately, because if you spend that money and it’s not yours, you will be issued to pay it back plus interest. So let’s say I was to get a $300 weekly payment and they put $600 in there instead. I’d contact unemployment and say, “Hey, you guys put a double payment in there. What would you like me to do? Do I need to skip next week or do you guys want to take that money out of my account to pay that back?” So you have to contact unemployment immediately and make sure that’s done as soon as you see it.
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Even though you got your card, your case is still pending. Until you get a denial letter, then just be patient. I do know it’s taking a little longer. Based on what we’ve heard in the research that it’s taking about 4 to 12 weeks in order to get money on that card.
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Can I work while drawing unemployment? And, yes you can. You can work, but you’ve got to report the wages that you make off of that and they will subtract the amount that you work from your weekly benefits.
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You got any other questions? Send them to me, Earl D. Lawson, Oklahoma unemployment experts, and I will put it on a video. I won’t mention your name, but I will discuss it on video, answer your question because there’s other people out there that wants to know the answer to it.
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Unemployment Attorney Earl Lawson with Oklahoma Unemployment Experts. My job is to represent clients that have been turned down by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission for their unemployment benefits. This is necessary because the company often has their attorneys or HR department who’s gone through these several times and they know exactly what’s coming at them, whereas a lot of my clients do not know what is coming at them. That’s what I do, I train them and teach him how the hearing is going to go, what questions the hearing officer’s going to ask.
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If you put a lot of emotion into applying for unemployment, insulting your previous employer or just trying to vent your frustration with the person taking your information at the Oklahoma Unemployment Security Commission, they get a negative view of you and that sometimes skews their decision on as far as granting your unemployment benefits first thing off the bat. You don’t have to appeal, but just keep it unemotional. You have just the facts. Don’t try and categorize your employer as a dirty, rotten person that’s just too hard to work for. That’s not going to get you benefits. Oklahoma Attorney Earl Lawson has represented many Oklahoman’s get their unemployment benefits.
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Oklahoma Attorney Earl Lawson with Oklahoma Unemployment Experts answers another question asked on multiple occasions. Can I go on vacation while drawing unemployment? The quick answer to that is yes, but there is a caveat to that. In other words, you’ve still got to apply for jobs. You can apply over the internet, you can apply over the telephone, but you still have to apply for the jobs and you have to report that. Even while you’re on vacation.
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Oklahoma Attorney Earl Lawson with Oklahoma Unemployment Experts answers a question he is asked quite often. Concerning Unemployment, Do I Have To Accept The First Job Offered To Me? In short, No. The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission will not make you take a job that you do not want.
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How Do I File A Weekly Employment Search Claim In Oklahoma? Oklahoma Attorney Earl Lawson with Oklahoma Employment Experts has the answer to that question. After you’re awarded benefits, the Oklahoma Unemployment Security Commission will require you to file a weekly job search with them at the end of each week. And they require three job searches.
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The Oklahoma Unemployment Expert has helped many clients around the Oklahoma their unemployment benefits. One thing that gets confused is how long you have to submit your appeal. You must submit your appeal 10 days from the mail date, not the day you get the letter. For example, if the appeal board mails it to you on May 21st, It would be 10 days on this date to file an appeal. Not 10 days when you get it, 10 days when they mailed it.