An Oklahoma Unemployment Lawyer
As an attorney, Mr. Lawson knows how to cross-examine witnesses, challenge irrelevant evidence and steer unemployment hearings toward the truth. He has seen the way employers sometimes try to interfere with former employee’s unemployment benefits. Time and again, Mr. Lawson has proven his mettle as an Oklahoma unemployment lawyer in appeals hearings. He cuts through irrelevant testimony to show hearing examiners when an employee consistently put in an honest days work but an employer decided to let them go.
Sometimes employers think they get to decide who gets unemployment. They do not. Oklahoma unemployment law determines who is eligible for unemployment.
Sometimes employers try to block an unemployment claim because they want to keep the company’s UI insurance premiums low. They might think they can avoid paying unemployment by firing you and telling you it is your fault. Fortunately, the law determines whether a person was fired without good cause. Even if the boss said “you’re fired,” chances are you are still eligible to collect unemployment benefits.
Other times employers try to derail an unemployment claim because they mistakenly believe unemployment is some kind of welfare. It is not. Unemployment is a benefit you earned. It is a benefit an employer is required by law to provide. It is a benefit that protects workers, protects their families, protects their communities and protects the American economy.
As an attorney focused on protecting unemployment benefits, Mr. Lawson believes in your right to stay on your feet financially while you find a new job. For that reason, Oklahoma Unemployment Experts charges nothing if we do not succeed in securing your unemployment claim.
Because the firm shares the risk, we will be frank with you about our opinion. When we think a case has merit, Oklahoma unemployment attorney Earl Lawson is ready to go the distance on your behalf.
Contact an Oklahoma Unemployment Lawyer
For a free, no-obligation consultation about your unemployment claim, contact the unemployment lawyer at Oklahoma Unemployment Experts or click the button below to set up your free unemployment consultation now.