In many cases yes. You can collect unemployment when you are fired. There are certain rules and regulations required in the termination of an employee and if the employer does not follow those rules and regulations, the employer cannot deny the Claimant benefits.
Many times employers wrongfully terminate the employee. Unemployment attorneys know Oklahoma unemployment rules and regulations the employer must adhere to when they claim an employee was fired for cause.
Oklahoma is an At-will state when it comes to employment. In other words, according to Oklahoma laws an employee can quit for any reason.
Likewise, an employer can terminate an employee for any reason, as long as it is not for reason of discrimination, as covered by the Equal Rights Act of 1964. However, just because the employer can fire the employee for any reason does not mean he can deny unemployment benefits.
When a person is fired from their job, unemployment benefits can be denied only for misconduct as specified by law. The employer might say you were fired, but the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission determines whether you were fired for good cause and when you can be denied Oklahoma unemployment benefits.
To set up your initial consultation with the Oklahoma unemployment attorneys office, call (918) 923-3776, or click the button below to sign up for a no-obligation unemployment consultation now.