If You Have Any Questions, Always Consult an Unemployment Attorney
Video Transcribed: I’m an independent contractor, or I drive for Uber or Lyft, or I’m a musician and I do gig work or I’m a childcare worker at home and business has really dropped off since the shut down on March 14th. Are Independent Contractors Eligible for Unemployment Benefits? Traditionally, unemployment was designed to help those who work for employers who paid the unemployment insurance premiums every quarter.
But if you’re self employed, you don’t pay that premium. Congress signed a bill called The Cares Act, that permitted independent contractors, gig workers, self-employed people to file for unemployment benefits and that’s going to come through the federal government.
Each state is given and amount of money to pay independent contractors, unemployment benefits. You have to go to the Oklahoma employment security commission website, ui.ok.gov, and there is a section for you to file for unemployment if you’re independent contractor.
You’re going to have to present proof of your income. That could be last year’s tax return or 2018 tax return, if you have not filed yet with an explanation that you have not filed 2019 yet, and you are eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
Traditionally, if you filed for traditional unemployment benefits as an independent contractor, you had to have been denied first, that’s because the employment security commission was unable to find your wages.
And then you can go in and file as an independent contractor to get approved. Congress has been saying that July 31st is the last day for those benefits so it’s imperative that you file for those as soon as possible, even if it’s still pending, even if you don’t receive it right away, just get your claim in. If you have any questions, always consult an attorney or the employment security commission.